米 mǐ | uncooked rice, front view of art installation

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, installation view in Michael O'Brien Exhibition Commons at Emily Carr University

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, woodblock print of rice plant

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, woodblock print of 米 Chinese character for rice

Bar graph of US Population versus representation in US museums, gallery, & private art collections: This was printed as a laminated placemat / menu on the table and on the wall by the waiting area

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, close-up of wall installation of graphs and artist's books (takeout menus) accompanying the exhibition

Video stills from Jenie's performance, "Emptying the White Man's Bowl."

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, artist Jenie Gao sitting in the waiting area of the restaurant installation / exhibition
Photo credit Stefan Gibson

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, artist Jenie Gao sitting at the table with bowls
Photo credit Stefan Gibson

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, artist Jenie Gao sitting at the table with bowls
Photo credit Stefan Gibson

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, close-up of the bowls / rice, which correspond with US population / US arts representation

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, close-up of the bowls / rice, which correspond with US population / US arts representation
Photo credit Sidi Chen

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, close-up of the bowls / rice, which correspond with US population / US arts representation
Photo credit Sidi Chen

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, close-up of the bowls / rice, which correspond with US population / US arts representation

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, close-up of the bowls / rice, which correspond with US population / US arts representation

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, art installation full view of tables, wood shavings on floor, and woodblock prints

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, close-up of wood shavings spelling the words, uncooked rice

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, close-up of wood shavings spelling the words, uncooked rice

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, close-up of wood shavings spelling the words, uncooked rice

米 mǐ | uncooked rice, art installation full view of tables, wood shavings on floor, and woodblock prints
Title: 米 mǐ | uncooked rice
Medium: woodcut prints on raw muslin canvas and stretcher bars, Baltic birch woodblock tables (folding), wood shavings, found chairs, bowls sourced from retail stores in Vancouver Chinatown, uncooked rice
Dimensions: Prints are 39.5 x 39.5 inches, tables are 39.5 x 39.5 x 30 inches when open
Photographers of installation: Jenie Gao, Sidi Chen
Photographer of artist portraits: Stefan Gibson